<bgsound src="./media/We Got to Get Out of This Place.wav" loop=false>
The events around Khe Sanh 1968 occupied the attention of all levels of the military including the White House.  The 1st Cavalry Division played an important role in relieving the pressure from the NVA on the U.S. Marine base at Khe Sanh (often referred to as "Rescuing" the Marines).  This was called Operation Pegasus and Delta Company was in the middle of it.
Operation Pegasus story from Delta News Letter.  Written by Tom Kjos (click here for PDF).
The following two articles are snapshots of frequent occurrences in Delta Company's history in Vietnam.  These incidents occurred near Khe Sanh in 1968 during Operation Pegasus.
 ( Thanks George Davey.)

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Operation Delaware story from Delta News Letter.  Written by Tom Kjos
(Thanks Gary DeRigne for formatting) (click here for PDF).

After Operation Pegasus Delta Company moved to the infamous A Shau Valley, west of Hue, bordering the Laotian border.  This was one of the most highly contested areas of the entire Vietnam war and was considered essential for moving men and material by the NVA.